Second Chances

Jordy Burns

In “Second Chances”, the vocals capture brilliantly the interplay between the vulnerability of being in a failing relationship and the power gained from moving on. The synths and percussion add warmth to the track, showcasing the resilience and strength. Jordy Burns has a voice that feels destined for the big stage.

About the track, Jordy writes:
In “Second Chances”, the vocals capture brilliantly the interplay between the vulnerability of being in a failing relationship and the power gained from moving on. The synths and percussion add warmth to the track, showcasing the resilience and strength. Jordy Burns has a voice that feels destined for the big stage.

About the track, Jordy writes: “‘Second Chances’ fell out of my brain on a pretty poignant day in a toxic relationship when I finally realised that this person wasn’t going to change. After a really heated discussion, as many pained artists do, I found creativity in some intense journaling and suddenly I was staring at the lyrics of my next song."
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  1. Second Chances


Jordy Burns

Walls' unfolds its poignant narrative, where lingering strings create anticipation, intricately woven with the warm and resonant embrace of a piano. The melody gracefully glides with emotive vocals and rich cello, drawing the song into a realm of profound emotion and introspection.

Jordy Burns talks about the inspiration behind 'Walls':

Walls' unfolds its poignant narrative, where lingering strings create anticipation, intricately woven with the warm and resonant embrace of a piano. The melody gracefully glides with emotive vocals and rich cello, drawing the song into a realm of profound emotion and introspection.

Jordy Burns talks about the inspiration behind 'Walls':

"'Walls' is about heartbreak and broken trust. A person I was seeing convinced me that I was safe to open my heart and that they wanted what I wanted. As it turns out, as soon as I let down my guard, they all too quickly realised that they weren't ready to move on from their last relationship. In saying that, they continued to stay with me and we made a mess of things… it was a rollercoaster, to say the least."
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  1. Walls

Debut ep 'Games'

coming april